Legislação de transito - CTB

by WR Developers



The Traffic Legislation - CTB application is a complete tool for those who need to always be up to date on the Brazilian Traffic Code (CTB), its infractions and penalties, in addition to having access to Annex I with the concepts and definitions used in traffic legislation.With an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface, the user can quickly access information about each CTB article, their respective penalties and fine amounts, in addition to being able to consult the most common infractions committed by drivers and their respective points on the drivers license.With the Traffic Legislation - CTB application, the user has access to all the information necessary to stay informed and avoid committing traffic violations, in addition to being able to consult updated penalties and fine amounts in accordance with current legislation.This app does NOT represent a government entity.Source of Government Information used:http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/leis/L9503Compilado.htm